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PDF kostenlos , by Walter Isaacson

Allerdings unten werden wir erstaunlichen Punkt offenbaren Ihnen sicherlich in der Lage sein , immer überprüfen Guide , By Walter Isaacson , wo immer und wann immer Sie nehmen Ort und Zeit. Guide , By Walter Isaacson von nur könnten Ihnen helfen , das Buch zu erkennen, die jedes Mal zu lesen. Es verpflichtet Sie nicht konsequent die dicke Veröffentlichung zu bringen , wohin Sie gehen. Sie können sie einfach auf dem Gerät behalten oder auf weiche Datei in Ihrem Computer ständig während dieser Zeit das Gehäuse heraus zu überprüfen.

, by Walter Isaacson

, by Walter Isaacson

, by Walter Isaacson

PDF kostenlos , by Walter Isaacson

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, by Walter Isaacson


Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Dateigröße: 521378 KB

Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 625 Seiten

Verlag: Simon & Schuster UK (17. Oktober 2017)

Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.

Sprache: Englisch


Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus):


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Word Wise: Aktiviert



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Verbesserter Schriftsatz:


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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.2 von 5 Sternen

10 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

#92.380 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)

Wer Kenneth Clark (im positiven Sinn) so extensiv zitiert, hat die richtigen Vorbilder. Dessen Fernsehserie und reichlich bebildertes Buch “Civilisation“ waren Ende der Sechziger-/Anfang der Siebziger-Jahre ein Markstein. Und zwar dafür, dass TV nicht für totale Verdummung stehen muss. Jetzt warten wir also auf die Fernsehreihe “Leonardo Da Vinci“ von Walter Isaacson. Da Vincis Originalgemälde hatten wir die Chance im Louvre in den Wintermonaten 1965/1966 und 1966/1967 an Sonntagen anzusehen. (Das Museum war geheizt und der Eintritt gratis!) Später bedauerten wir die Amerikaner, die die Mona Lisa als Leihgabe gerade mal im 12-Sekunden-Takt anschauen durften!

I had such a funtime reading this book. The book is for everyone who wants to be inspired by Leonardo and also can be recommended to be read out of pure curiousity.Not knowing too much about Leonardo prior to reading his biography always made me think of the Mona Lisa as surely a beautiful painting but did not made me appreciate the full spectrum of wisdom and knowlegde that went into the creation of this culmination of Leonardo's life, dedicated to science and arts. I do have to admit that putting science and arts into two different terms almost hurts me by now. The book spends about half of its content on arts which may not be interesting to everyone but that was simply Leonardo's tool for understanding his oberservations and it will certainly encourage you to do so as well.Walter Isaacson understands to present Leonardo's genius in an approachable way and resumes steps to become one as well, not depending on your current stage in life, along with a humorous ending. Reading this book will clearly add value to your life :).Martin

Isaacson's latest biography is again a fantastic journey and a great read. Be it Einstein, Franklin or now da Vinci, Isaacson has the ability to make these geniuses come alive in a way that one can learn from their outstanding achievements. One of the best books I've read in a long time!

Not only accurately written information but writing style is flowing and interesting.Pictures and illustrations are well placed and high quality. I love this book, fully recommended.

lots of facts and inspiration

Super Buch.Bin ein Leo Fan und freue mich sehr.Wunderbar geschrieben.Herr Isaacson hat viele tolle Bücher geschrieben aber dies ist sein Beste.DankeSam Brustas

I have two problems with the book:Number 1, it is not good to read it on the kindle. The book describes in detail paintings and why Leonardo da Vinci was so special and explained this with the paintings. On the kindle the pictures are hardly seeable and have no colour. Since this book describes these things in detail, I can do running is useless. And the second comment is, the book goes far too much into the art of leonardo then into his life. Although I am aware they cannot be separated entirely.

The biography 'Leonardo Da Vinci', by Walter Isaacson is much more than just a homage to the probably most creative person in history.The book gives an intimate record of the life and work of Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo's ability to combine art, science, technology, and the humanities, his work that focused as much on book knowledge as on personal experience and experiments, as well as his ability to imagine, dream, and "see the unseen", has no comparison.At the end of the book the author gives a summary of lessons that can be learned from the life of Leonardo Da Vinci:Be curious, relentlessly curious.Seek knowledge for its own sake. Not all knowledge needs to be useful. Sometimes it should be pursued for pure pleasure.Retain a childlike sense of wonder.Observe.Start with the details.See things unseen.Go down rabbit holes.Get distracted.Respect facts.Procrastinate.Let the perfect be the enemy of the good.Think visually.Avoid silos. At the end of many of his product presentations, Jobs displayed a slide of a sign that showed the intersection of “Liberal Arts” and “Technology” streets. He knew that at such crossroads lay creativity. Leonardo had a free-range mind that merrily wandered across all the disciplines of the arts, sciences, engineering, and humanities.Let your reach exceed your grasp.Indulge fantasy.Create for yourself, not just for patrons.Collaborate.Make lists. And be sure to put odd things on them.Take notes, on paper.Be open to mystery. Not everything needs sharp lines.After finishing the book, I feel like, "waking up" after a captivating movie in the cinema, walking out of the building into the "real lief" - but feeling changed. I know for sure, that I will never look at any painting the same way as I did before I read this book. I believe and hope it will inspire and change my way of being a photographer. And I hope it will enrich every single day in my life!

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